
Destiny 2 - Brief PC review (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, August 20, 2020, 12:42 (1563 days ago) @ squidnh3

Is part of this the increased FOV? Whenever I see videos of Destiny on PC that's always the thing that strikes me the most, it looks like they are playing in a fishbowl compared to console. I see a lot of requests on Reddit for a FOV slider for Destiny on the next generation consoles, but I'm not really sure how I feel about that (or how Bungie feels about it). It seems like to be competitive you really have to max it out whether you like it or not.

The Marathon "Extravision" powerup would increase your FOV to 180 degree. It was rarely found, but also strangely enough rarely desired :-p

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