
So... Ender's Game *OT* (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, November 05, 2013, 16:11 (4147 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I like Ender's Game a lot, but for me Speaker for the Dead is the true Ender book.

I couldn't agree more. Speaker for the Dead (and it's two sequels) are great reads. I hated them at first, but I was twelve, and had just finished Ender's Game. I found them boring, and too different from the Ender universe that I loved. A few years later, I picked up Speaker for the Dead again, and I loved it. I still go back and read them from time to time, more often than I have Ender's Game.

I like the Shadow series, too, and I can see why some might favor those over the Speaker trilogy, but I sure don't.

I've read somewhere (hell, maybe even in the author's note in Speaker; I can't recall), that Speaker for the Dead was the novel Orson Scott Card really set out to write from the get go. But he though it needed more setup for who Andrew was before he jumped right into the Speaker story, so he wrote Ender's game. I can't recall exactly how the Ender's Game short story versus the novel come into it, but he had the idea for Speaker for the Dead first.

I highly recommend giving Speaker for the Dead shot. I love its depiction of an adult Andrew Wiggin, still dealing with the guilt of killing the Formics all those years ago, even hated by society at this point for doing it.

As for the film, I can already tell its inaccuracies are going to bug me just from the trailer, but I still want to see it. I'm not a huge stickler for details when it comes to turning a novel into a movie, so long as it feels like the film makers gave a shit and capture the spirit of the thing. I might try and go see it this weekend.

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