
Getting Raid Ready: The Road to 1230 (Destiny)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Friday, November 13, 2020, 11:10 (1414 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

At the moment I'm at 1215 and just completed the campaign on my first Alt.

I feel like hitting 1230 by saturday week is doable and am just wondering how other folks are going and what tips they have?

I'm just doing the standard level 1 character and then the alts, using the season pass armor slots when a particular slot needs a boost.

Debating not even finishing the campaign on my 3rd alt and just focusing on weeklys once it hits 1200 from running the campaign. Hell, would even consider just not running the campaign at all on it depending how close it is to the soft cap and doing a leisurely run through of the campaign a 3rd final time.

Anywho, hope everyone is doing well!

Question! I've been focusing on my main exclusively. What I am wondering is, which story beats are per character, and which story beats are per account? In Season 10 ("Season of the Worthy") for example, the opening of the Seraph Bunkers were per account. Once they were opened, they were open. You only saw the fanfare of their opening once.

I'm wondering if there is anything like that for this Season as well?

I ask this, as it's a pretty solid known that by utilizing the feature of all three characters chances of power and pinnacle drops, you can help push up your light even more. (Technically if I wanted to be the most efficient with this technique, I would have needed to start on a character which wasn't my main, but... eh, fun comes first dang it!)

I don't know how much of a slog this would be, and it would be nice for a heads up so I can account accordingly. I'm almost finished most story beets on my main. Well, for the week anyway.

I would assume that the Season Hunt story beats are per account and that Beyond Light specific things are per character. So I think everything you can experience before Tuesday is Character specific?

There are things like exotic/pinnacle quest progress that is per account from what I can tell?

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