
Letting drops "cook" is there a definitive guide? (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 11:00 (1410 days ago) @ squidnh3

Like I get not completing weekly challenges too early since that drop just hits you directly.

And right now I'm waiting on finishing up my Bounty based challenges by holding onto the completed bounty. But it's weird since they result in an engram that I have to turn in?

Also I finished up the new chaperone quest yesterday and left it with Amanda, will it go up if I leave it?

As a general rule of thumb, powerful drops are most likely to be useful when all your gear is approximately the same level. In that sense it doesn't really matter whether you use the powerful drops "late" or "early" in the week, what you want is for them to occur at the right times with your gear distribution.

The most important thing to avoid when leveling is getting a powerful drop in your "leading" slot, because that's when it's least effective, especially if your leading slot is well ahead of your other slots. If you have that situation, you want to fill in your other slots with normal drops prior to activating a powerful. For example, if your gear average is 1212-6/8 on DIM, and you have a class item that's 1210, that's a great time to consider pulling a class item out of your season pass. It will drop at 1212, and push your average up to 1213, which is essentially giving you +1 on your next powerful drop.

This happened to me. I had a high cloak relative to everything else. What are the odds? I got a cloak one higher. I thought I would cry.

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