+3 Powerful stategy question (Destiny)

by marmot 1333 @, Sunday, November 29, 2020, 12:32 (1398 days ago) @ Claude Errera

When is the best time to cash in the powerful rewards, the +3s specifically?

Say I have some +3 rewards waiting and ready to be cashed in.

Supposed that I am 7/8 of the way to the next point. This includes a -1 in one slot and two +3s.

My question is kind of two parts: optimization and the actual process by which to increase that -1.

1) Should I do activities in the world and until I fill in my -1 slot, so that my overall average increases to the next whole point, and those +3s's into +2's? Waiting would mean that the +3 reward has an 8/8 chance of being an improvement as opposed to the current 6/8 chance (two slots are already +3).

2) Do patrols/PEs/Lost Sectors/messing around on Europa or other destinations actually give at-level drops like this where my -1 would increase to my average? Or do I need to do playlist activities like Gambit, Strikes, Crucible? I can't tell if it is just RNG but it seems like often my lowest slot doesn't get filled in by world activities.

I just remembered that there is a soft cap. Is it at 1230? I am only at 1225 right now. How does that change these decisions?

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