
It's Rude to Suck at Warcraft (Gaming)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Thursday, December 01, 2022, 07:26 (786 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by stabbim, Thursday, December 01, 2022, 07:36

So I haven't watched the video yet, but based on your description this sounds very much like experiences I've had with Destiny in the past. Mostly with raiding but occasionally with other higher-difficulty activities.

I probably wouldn't have thought to describe what I do with Destiny as "role playing" but I guess it kinda is. Generally for any given subclass I'll have one or more character builds in DIM. These tend to revolve around a playstyle. Operating at a certain range, using certain exotics/perks/abilities, etc. And I tend to get pretty specific with the weapon types. USUALLY I try to cover all my bases re: engagement range because even if I intend to play up close there'll inevitably be something plinking away at me from a distance and I might need to account for that. So my defender Titan that mostly runs around with a sidearm with Grave Robber throwing shields and punching things for healing and reloads (because who has time to stop for that) always has a scout rifle in the energy slot for things he can't reach, just as an example. I've always done things this way and it works for me. Whatever build I'm running, I instinctively know what my options are. I've always had a sidearm and scout rifle so I know what to do. I think I almost NEED to do things this way. If I don't I find myself swapping to the wrong thing mid firefight and not being effective.

You can probably see how this hasn't always been compatible with the "OK everyone equip current meta weapon before we start Atheon" crowd. I don't want to equip Sleeper Simulant on my Titan, he doesn't use linear fusion rifles. The thing is, those people aren't WRONG. They want to play the optimized way. But I learned those groups weren't the place for me.

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