
Let's talk about how dead this place is. (Off-Topic)

by Coaxkez, Tuesday, December 31, 2024, 11:27 (23 days ago)

But this is not intended to be an uncomfortable conversation and I'm certainly not trying to suggest that anyone "needs" to be here more often.

Hell, I'd have no room to talk. I'm only a lurker, for the most part.

Mostly, I am just interested in reflecting upon how we got here. Is it because of Destiny? Did we all gradually lose interest and fall off the wagon? Or did we just get older? Is there nothing interesting to talk about right now?



I'd like to know what we're all thinking re: the future of this place and our own personal futures with this hobby. For my part, ever since becoming a father, my time on the Internet has decreased tremendously and I have never felt the urge to "remedy" that. I rather enjoy my quiet time these days; I don't know that I have the same yearning for digital community and/or stimulation that I once did. I'll always enjoy playing video games, but I'm pretty disconnected from the cutting edge of the hobby to the point that I don't have a lot to contribute to those conversations anymore.

As for Bungie... well, I have to be honest and admit that I disconnected from the Destiny universe several years ago and have not been keeping track of any developments beyond nigh-obligatory cursory glances at each new expansion upon its release. (I did watch a Let's Play of The Final Shape, though, for the story closure. It appeared to have been a well-made entry.) Marathon is intriguing and I hope to give it a chance when it is finished, but I'm not sure how I feel about another live-service game and I don't know if the project is speaking to the things I enjoyed about (or even identified with) Marathon. So I don't know.

It's wait-and-see right now, but I feel like I may be approaching this journey's end.

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