
Close enough. (Off-Topic)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, December 09, 2013, 22:07 (3851 days ago) @ Quirel

I can understand that the original series was campy, hamfisted, and kinda clueless, because those were the early days of television. But the later series never got their act together either. It kind of speaks volumes that Wrath of Khan is not only considered to be the best Star Trek movie, but a great Star Trek movie.

What's wrong with The Wrath of Khan??

So, there's a dearth of great science fiction TV shows. What would television be like now if Star Trek hadn't had that long, slow slide into mediocrity? Would Firefly have gotten more of a chance?

You'll need a better example than Firefly. One would think all the horrible things done to that show (episodes out of order, horrible marketing, etc) had much more to do with its demise than anything Start Trek related.

I do think the mere presence of Star Trek over its long run did serve to limit what other scifi shows got air time and support, but that was more tv networks being idiots and not taking risks beyond their one established scifi franchise and not Star Trek itself being good or bad.

And no, I don't think it's going to get better anytime soon. Right now, Star Trek is in the hands of a director who doesn't quite get how storytelling works.

Eh? I enjoyed both of the new Trek films. They were very different, and had a problem here or there, but they weren't mind numbingly stupid or anything... well except for magic death curing blood...

I have my own problems with Star Trek. I think it should have aspired to bigger grander story telling. I think it for far too long limited itself in what it could do to its characters, to how much they could change or grow. I think in some ways the Star Trek universe itself is somewhat broken and at odds with telling good stories since it starts with most basic problems from money to disease already solved. But despite all of that good stories and even story lines did get through. Would I choose a new Star Trek series over a new series of Battlestar Galactica or Babylon 5 or Firefly? No. But I still enjoyed a lot of Star Trek and it would be neat to see a new show some time in the future.

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