
A rebuke gladly taken (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 17:30 (3725 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

From the "Humans" article.

"But theirs are the only voices we will hear on the matter, and so the myth of the great creative auteur continues."

Absolutely devastating.

We just haven't as a culture been able to catch up to art in the age of mechanical reproducibility. The arts now are higher arts, yet each individual contribution to the work is less. That doesn't mean each artist has less skill (in fact, for good works it's the opposite).

Part of the problem is still focusing on the sign value of art. There's prestige in owning an original Picasso, since it's utterly unique, and the man himself laid hands on it. There's no prestige in owning a copy of a film or video game, yet we still cling to that idea by attaching a creator's name. So "A Hideo Kojima Game" has more sign value than "A Shinji Mikami game", even though the latter is better art :-p

There's a lot of ego in art that doesn't translate as art becomes higher.

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