
Disappointing thus far. (Off-Topic)

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Monday, March 10, 2014, 21:53 (3760 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

Don't get me wrong. It was very good.

But it was unfocused, trying to balanced out trying to be a lot of things; kicking itself off, introducing new viewers, and harkening back to the original.

And as cool as Tyson is, he's never struck me as the master orator that Carl Sagan sometimes was. There were some very memeable moments, and the writing was pretty smart at times, but as a whole this just isn't delivering the same tier of performance. Also, the soundtrack's astronomical inferiority to the Vangelis original means that even if everything else was perfect, this show probably couldn't live up to the original.

I'm hoping (and somewhat expecting) it to tighten up with future episodes, though. This has a chance to make it's way at least into "great"-tier.

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