What I think to be the filled in white squares (Destiny)

by specops115, Thursday, May 01, 2014, 19:42 (3921 days ago) @ Hoovaloov

Here's all I've managed to get for today - was hoping it would lead somewhere but been hitting a brick wall since early this afternoon. Quick overview of the data and what I've tried with it

Posting below are the two blocks with the diagonals calculated and moved to the outside to fill the white squares as well as the empty spaces. One uses the square root numbers - the other uses the original values.

They both keep numbers under 255 so all valid for use in RGB numbers. I think the outside groups of 3 are colors represented as RGB. I have tried to filter any/all images (distorted, clear, and the prize) by any permutation/combination of those colors and found nothing.

I have a comprehensive C# windows form available that I will also post below so that others can continue the analysis

034 025 024 022 016 013 023 024 013 021 035
026 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 022
021 000 007 008 009 009 004 001 006 000 021
007 000 004 006 006 003 007 000 000 000 009
021 000 002 008 000 002 003 004 005 000 025
027 000 001 005 001 009 003 002 002 000 009
022 000 001 002 003 005 004 006 007 000 010
024 000 008 009 003 006 000 007 000 000 022
013 000 005 007 004 001 005 008 001 000 024
021 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 025
035 022 021 009 024 023 015 007 021 026 034

232 149 152 150 090 081 157 182 051 123 241
170 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 108
099 000 049 064 081 081 016 001 036 000 097
015 000 016 036 036 009 049 000 000 000 041
147 000 004 064 000 004 009 016 025 000 159
193 000 001 025 001 081 009 004 004 000 065
146 000 001 004 009 025 016 036 049 000 042
182 000 064 081 009 036 000 049 000 000 150
051 000 025 049 016 001 025 064 001 000 152
123 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 149
241 108 097 041 148 177 099 015 099 170 232

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