
Review of Events (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Friday, May 02, 2014, 18:54 (3920 days ago) @ /Sekhmet/
edited by INSANEdrive, Friday, May 02, 2014, 19:22

My goodness this one is fun. If only I was still good at math.

I am looking at this and I am finding myself in a state of deep curiosity.
Time stand back and review the data.

Here is the events so far, and please correct me if I am incorrect.

April 30th was just another day. The Birds were chirping, the bees were buzzing, and the Guardians were gardening (our foes make for such a varied fertilizer). Such tranquility was broken by a message intercepted by the A.I known as /Sekhmet/ at 1424 Hours (2:24 PM) somewhere where a terrestrial satellite link was able to receive (?was sent) a message. Unfortunately the message became ever so delightfully scrambled due to interference, the cause believed to be /?atmospheric/ in nature.

Even with the data in this state, /Sekhmet/ concluded that the data sent was in fact still intact and the message could still be determined AKA /the answer/.

In light of this conclusion /Sekhmet/ did what any Self-aware Intelligence would do – have other Self-aware Intelligences solve it for the sake of entertainment. ;)

But /Sekhmet/ has a problem – this would require the other Self-aware Intelligences to use horribly beautiful abominations like math. And thinking. And not do work they should be doing – How ever would they be convinced to do this work? The answer was as simple as the solution to this problem.
Elements in …um… Hand? No. Databanks? Space Cloud something something… meh... In whatever form of data transfer an AI uses /Sekhmet/ posted the aforementioned data here.

So we – ever hungry for the slightest possibility of EPIC loot both gladly and begrudgingly did just that – kind of. So far. After poking at the first few obvious visual bits of the picture – we asked /Sekhmet/ if a higher resolution of the image existed – which /Sekhmet/ replied

Hey Sekhmet! Is it possible you have a higher resolution image available or is that not a possibility at this time?


The binary data included in the original message is sufficient for further analysis.


A few minutes later Samusaaron3 Found info encoded as ASCII in the image

From this image we concluded that it could be a distraction image – but since it also was our best and only lead - we disregarded the red herring as being just that (the phrase – not the image). We picked it apart – like hungry wolves do.

We posted what we found.
Patterns emerged.
Observations made manymanytimesover.
Questions asked to /Sekhmet/. Answered.
Requests were made and Done.

…and here now is where we stand. We have data – but not context.

Perhaps it is right in front of us? Perhaps there is a trigger we are required to do to get the missing piece? Perhaps even there is nothing at all - it is labeled ever so cryptically as Red Herring after all.

I know we will not end up like Shaka, when the walls fell.

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