
Great read! (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Saturday, July 05, 2014, 23:13 (3922 days ago) @ Xenos

And yet, "Ghosts are not immortal. Every loss is irreplaceable."

No one's saying it'd be easy to capture or kill a Ghost, but it is surely possible. Once disabled they are either found by future Guardians (aka you the player, as some were found in Old Russia during the Alpha) or by someone else... Bum bum bummmm! :)

At least that's how I imagine it.

Right we're thinking along the same lines. I was just mentioning that they couldn't just defeat a Guardian, they would have to defeat a Guardian AND somehow incapacitate the Ghost so it can't revive the Guardian.

When a Guardian is defeated the Ghost is right there protecting the Guardian's life. How many more shots is it to kill the Ghost as well? It'll be very interesting to see how Destiny handles this story wise. Already we have that scene in one of the recent trailers where Cloaking Girl notes that "Many Guardians fell... strong ones..." How a Guardian can permanently fall is, as you note, still a very open question. :)

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