Xbox reveal in April; bets on Destiny presence?

by Beckx, Friday, February 22, 2013, 09:05 (4089 days ago)

CVG and others have evidence pointing to an early April Xbox reveal.


Man, I hate myself for it, but I already feel the hype building. I wanted to avoid buying all three consoles again, but I'm probably a lost cause if MS nixes the rumored negatives to the console (mandatory kinect installation, always online, etc.). Cave, MOSS and G-Rev weren't on the Sony list of developers (when similar smaller JP devs were), so MS, plz, don't hard region lock JP consoles.

I wonder if Bungie shows up with Destiny again? Absence would fuel the "bad blood" story, I guess. But then, as EA's absence at the Sony conf shows, the absence of any major publisher when others are on stage will fuel all kinds of rumors.

Good times.

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