
Stop playing it like Halo. (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Saturday, July 26, 2014, 08:44 (3773 days ago) @ Doooskey

4. Not running from the Golden Gun (or expecting it to make an appearance). Run from the Golden Gun. Run. Just get out. Use grenades and take advantage of a Golden Gun player's overconfidence. When they throw that gun in the air and turn gold, drop a nade and RUN! Watch for the golden explosion as you are tracking guys on the radar, dead giveaway. I probably die half as often from this Super because of these things.

Holy crap this one. I play Hunter as my main, so I usually have a pretty good idea how long Golden Gun lasts, so I will turn on a Hunter chasing me with Golden Gun when I know it's going to run out. It's very amusing for me. Also, if a Hunter has his back to you with Golden Gun, Grenade + 1-3 shots and you can take him out before he realizes what's going on.

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