Just like Diablo II gear… (Destiny)

by NotTheVacuum, Friday, August 01, 2014, 04:26 (3576 days ago) @ kapowaz

But the best "build" videos/write-ups EXPLAIN how gear and skill tree play off of each other. I wouldn't lump all the folks sharing that info into "elitist jerks" unless they're actually claiming they have the best DPS build ever. Just assume the unwritten "for me" at the end of that claim.

It's just like Borderlands (I know, I keep saying this, but it's true). The endgame is about the right combination of gear and skill tree for your play style and the situation (for example, since I have a Bee and a Sham for my Gunzerker, I can choose between pure DPS and a more conservative build with massive ammo regen). The thing Destiny seemingly does right is to not charge you for adjusting your tree (in Borderlands you have to find a Quick-Change and spend money to reset your skill tree entirely and re-spec).

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