
There is a balance... (Destiny)

by Doooskey, Kansas City, MO, Saturday, August 02, 2014, 11:55 (3573 days ago) @ Xenos
edited by Doooskey, Saturday, August 02, 2014, 12:01

I love me a good spreadsheet. I also love me popping caps on Fallen heads. I do not enjoy sparrowing around a map to farm glimmer though. I prefer to get glimmer, encrypted items and such through the designed gameplay. BUT, I am also highly competitive, and I love PvP. It sort of urks (haha) me that people are dull enough to want to farm glimmer for hours to build up their character - because it will give (or could give) them a competitive edge vs. me. However, I would rather play the game the way it was designed to be played (assuming Bungie didn't design in the glimmer farming) and have more fun, than the other way around. In the PvP arena, my desire to be competitive is always at war with my desire to have fun. As long as the players who farm don't get advantages so high in competitive that it robs the PvP of fun, I am good.

Building up a character is a part of the game, and is also tied to the investment system. I will play a game where I get to build a character more because I find it fun. Also, my competitive nature makes me want to play the game how it is meant to be played, or in the play style I prefer and then go after the people who have the "best build" or whatever.

Random note: The glimmer farming bothers me like Black Friday bothers me... People missing the point (one in a game, one in life) in order to get some meaningless advantage (or deal).

The point of a game is to enjoy it. And as long as I can build my Warlock while enjoying how I am going about Destiny, I will be a happy camper. Even without glimmer farming, there will always be people who play the game the way it's meant to be played and end up with a competitive advantage (because they have more time or invest more time). Heck, even in Halo, with no true investment system built into the game - someone who dedicated more time and energy - would end up with an advantage over me (skill, map knowledge, weapon experience, etc).

It even irks me when someone has more time to invest in a game (it's really just competitive jealousy) but that is just because I am a flawed human being.

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