
Lockout (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, August 31, 2014, 13:29 (3536 days ago) @ RC

2. My point about Halo was that people have replayed levels of Halo: Combat Evolved for some 13 years now with no in game rewards or level modifiers other than difficulty. It leaves me thinking "???" when it is suddenly a problem that the bonuses at the end of (sections of?) Destiny's Raids are locked out for a time. If Destiny's gameplay is fun, if the missions are challenging, then what do the rewards matter?

Because. Rewards. Are. Required. To. Play. High. Level. Content.

You power up your character through rewards.

That doesn't mean that these particular rewards are required.

These also aren't the only rewards that are locked out. Limited crucible marks, nightfall rewards, etc.

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