Lockout (Destiny)

by Monochron, Wednesday, September 03, 2014, 08:19 (3533 days ago) @ RaichuKFM

I got my better gear, for the most part, through random green engrams. (I love you, Sahara AR-3.)

It's my understanding that this isn't the case for higher levels. I could be wrong though, but I think it is common in games.

Shouldn't they just be a different game mode that you play because it's fun? And the rewards for participation won't equal the ones for success, but that doesn't mean they'll be negligible.

Yeah, I just personally don't want to do all the work of getting 5 friends together on the same type of console to get all grindy together in a Raid where I don't get useful things when I could have similar fun in the Crucible or Campaign. I think that I won't be alone in this.

Honestly though, my opinions are probably tainted because I doubt I will be playing Raids. Just offering my two cents at this point.

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