New IP means they can't break canon (Destiny)

by ckamp, Thursday, September 04, 2014, 15:13 (3553 days ago) @ car15

I'm excited that there will be a whole new universe to explore. I'm really hoping the beta was intentionally shielding an enormous back-story from us. That was part of the joy of Halo CE- there was so much under the surface of the amazing gameplay. While the other Halos are great (and arguably better in many regards), they each started to break the "rules of the universe." This happens with almost every long-running IP over time and the story telling can either get constricted by the fear of breaking those rules or they will disappoint people who have legitimate concerns over the maintaining of a cohesive IP.

Starting fresh means we don't have that at the outset. I'm excited to explore and I hope Bungie has taken advantage of this clean slate to tell some amazing tales. Like others, I don't feel the anticipation quite as much as when I waited for Halo 2's release, I am anticipating the openness and possibilities the Destiny universe symbolizes.

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