Get your irk ready... (Destiny)

by Phoenix_9286 @, Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 13:20 (3524 days ago) @ rliebherr

Reddit and Wikis have been pretty helpful. I went digital, no book or link to a manual whatsoever.

You know, I hate the trend of "going green" by gutting the contents of a game case. Especially when your game is something like Destiny. Yeah, a lot of it you can pick up as you play, but it'd be nice if I could READ ABOUT IT so I'd know what was going on BEFORE I started playing. That way I can PLAY and not be CONFUSED.

They could explain things like weapon stats and the Crucible and how weapon stats work in the world as opposed to the Crucible. They could explain how loot works, why special gold chests are laying around, why there are different types of chests, how the inventory works, how the vault and merchants work. How bounties, Vanguard/Cryptarch marks/ranks/whatever, and the variety of reputations and currencies work. Maybe what the point of the Grimoire is and why so many dead Ghosts are lying around. They could explain the different types of weapons and grenades when one might want to use one over another, the different Supers, the trio of elements, where they came from, why they're useful, and how to know when to use what. They could explain leveling and choosing skills, Light and it's effect on your level, the ways you can synergize everything. They could even explain the different game modes and factions and why I might care about any of them. They could even explain the three classes and races in detail so I can decide what I want to be before I make a character.

Yes, a lot of this I either already know, have a good idea how it works, or can easily find out by googling. That isn't the point. The point is to have this wealth of knowledge, this tome of basic mechanics and systems, at my finger tips, instantly, when I open the box, to confirm and/or reaffirm what I know, and explain what I don't, straight from the mouth of the developer. Not Xx_SuP3rS|\|yP3R420BLAYZE_xX on the Internet.

At the very least, publish a compendium of knowledge on the game's website. Make a pdf and have it publicly available so I can be a horrible person and kill a tree printing it out. Hell, utilize the APP FOR YOUR GAME to deliver it!

Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. And Dumb. And Stupid. And dumb and stupid and dumb.


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