Get your irk ready... (Destiny)

by Phoenix_9286 @, Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 15:23 (3524 days ago) @ Leviathan

I would have absolutely loved a manual (was planning on reading it during the install) but I also sincerely enjoy getting lost and slowly learning the deep intricacies of the game on my own without help as time goes on, so I don't mind in terms of the actual gameplay. I just like reading real books and getting more chances for little lore details or neat artwork. Perhaps the limited edition bonus books would have fulfilled that desire. Game manuals used to be the perfect toilet-reading materials back in the Golden Age...

That bit I bolded? That has traditionally been my time killer while I wait for a game to install. Hell it still is for games I haven't played in a really long time (like Fallout 3, which I just picked up for the first time in about four years).

Like you, I don't mind occasionally getting lost and having to figure things out. It's part of the fun. But only if those things are, like you said, the intricacies. To use a quick Halo example: The weak spots on the Ghost and Wraith, and how to steal an occupied Wraith without causing undue damage. That's not in any manual, you just figure it out, and it's fun when you do.

The basics of the game and the world, however, should be given to me up front. It's my job to figure out how to take those building blocks and use them to the fullest extent possible. The fact that whomever thought shipping Destiny without a guide that explains anything was a good idea actually angers me. In game tutorials for a game of this complexity are insufficient. Unless things have changed from the beta, it tells you how to move, shoot, level up, and shop. That's it. For anything else I have to consult a third party. I should never have to consult a third party to figure out how to play your game.

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