Probably the best review I've read (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Friday, September 12, 2014, 23:41 (3735 days ago) @ car15

Because it's spot on. And that's really, really sad. To be frank, Destiny's story is utterly pathetic. I just beat the game, and yeah. Wow. I get that there's a lot more to come, but this staggered release bullshit will bury them. Whether it's a short story or a novel, you need to capture the reader in the first sentence, the first paragraph, the first chapter. There's nothing captivating here beyond the folks out in the Reef, and they're basically just there for now. And no, the Grimoire doesn't count. It's not included in the game itself, and that's only harming the game and was already an unbelievably short-sighted idea to keep it exclusively on or the app.

I look forward to seeing what's to come with that, and it's a damn good thing I'm a Bungie fan and intend on seeing where this thing goes, but as a whole I have a feeling this is going to go the Halo 4 route and there will be a massive population drop-off. And unlike the already established and highly successful Halo franchise that will ride off of Bungie's old games into revitalization after H4, Destiny is brand new and this may have been the one and only impression Bungie will get to make with many, many people outside of this here Bungie community. What a damn pity.

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