Do Destiny reviews make sense relative to Titanfall? (Destiny)

by NotTheVacuum, Sunday, September 14, 2014, 06:00 (3523 days ago) @ CINCL

I think you de-emphasized mobility in Destiny (you even gave credit to double-jumps in Titanfall, but ignored that all three classes in Destiny have a very similar ability), but I see your point. Essentially, because the multiplayer was interesting and well-executed, the story deficiencies don't weigh it down.

I still disagree pretty strongly with the score discrepancy. I think Titanfall deserves at least a 1-point dock for the laughable attempt at a campaign. They put a little generic VO in a multiplayer mode -- that's it. At the same time, I think Destiny took an undeserved 2-point penalty (at least) for being a Bungie game that didn't knock campaign out of the park. Since PvE is such an emphasis for Destiny, and PvP is almost the entirety of Titanfall (I guess the minions count as PvE), you get this huge discrepancy in score where I don't think there's a huge discrepancy in the overall package.

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