I actually like the Crucible (Destiny)

by Blue_Blazer_NZ, Wellington, New Zealand, Sunday, September 14, 2014, 14:19 (3522 days ago) @ yakaman

I quite like the Crucible, particularly Control and Skirmish (3v3 TDM with revives).

However, I completely agree - the PvE side of things feels incredibly light and shallow. The story is like the shell of a short story and the bosses are all just larger versions of standard enemies but with way more health. Seriously, take the Vex Gate Lord and the Vex Nexus strike bosses; both are essentially larger (ooh scary), bullet-sponge versions of the Minotaur and Hydra respectively. In fact, the Gate Lord doesn't even teleport at you like the minotaur, it just has a big gun and a stomp attack (like every other boss). The Nexus boss has the rotating shield, but it doesn't use it intelligently - it's just there as an annoyance. For every single boss fight, it's actually a relief when the extra standard enemies (adds) spawn in; they are way more fun to fight.

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