My Destiny Review: A deep and resounding... (Destiny)

by Fuertisimo, Sunday, September 14, 2014, 16:48 (3522 days ago) @ Monochron

For starters, Halo games were never exactly long on single player campaign length to begin with, so its not really a great comparison when there's other, more similar titles such as Mass Effect. Secondly, the whole point of this game, starting with the very first review videos, was that this was a game that was supposed to engross us for a long time. There was supposed to be "activities for every mood" and tons of content designed to keep us coming back for more. In fact Bungie and Activision were banking on the game doing exactly that, planning out a 10 year development cycle that includes expansions and DLC's galore, which would only work if people are actually invested enough to keep coming back for more.

Lastly, their really isn't that much geometry compared to what most open world games are doing these days. It's sad but true, the game is pretty small by modern standards, and what makes it worse was how we were told how massive the game was supposed to be. I wasn't expecting a Skyrim massive type world, but this... is underwhelming to say the least. I'd add that I think part of the reason they have you going through the same areas over and over is precisely because it isn't big, so they need to re-use geometry. If they spawned you in the story missions near the darkness every time, the game would feel even smaller, so they have you run through areas you've already been just to lengthen the mission time a little.

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