
Alright, THIS is the best Destiny review I've seen. By far. (Destiny)

by car15, Sunday, September 21, 2014, 05:04 (3520 days ago)

Wow. Angry Joe nailed it.

I'm in near-total agreement with every word that comes out of his mouth in this video. I only disagree on two minor points.

1) The loading screens, while long and annoying, are not inexcusable given the complexity and graphical fidelity of the game.

2) Matchmaking would have made raids much less fun because they're so fundamentally reliant upon effective communication with your teammates.

But I agree with everything else he says - EVERYTHING - almost to the point that I wonder if he's been lurking these forums and reading some of the Team Cody posts. He even made a Dinklebot reference at one point. (Is that a phenomenon exclusive to DBO? I think it is... but I could be wrong.)

This is one of the best video game reviews I've seen in a long time. Joe covers all of the talking points about the game and gives fair consideration to the major counter-arguments, and he also talks about what Destiny's success could mean for the future of the industry in terms of DLC.

I know it's a really long video, but you owe it to yourself to watch it, especially if you're one of those people that don't understand the complaints about the game. Joe does a fantastic job of describing all of them.

Watch it!

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