
Destiny: The Jillybean Verdict (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, September 21, 2014, 13:03 (3759 days ago) @ Jillybean
edited by Cody Miller, Sunday, September 21, 2014, 13:10

You know what game I was reminded of the most when playing Destiny? It wasn't Halo, or even Mass Effect, it was Remember Me. Nothing to do with the promising (but ultimately frustrating and repetitive) gameplay, nothing to do with the weak, confusing storyline - all to do with the fact I was really excited for both. The new IP, something different, and both disappointed me. Because that's the thing - I'm disappointed by Destiny.

Ooooh! Destiny and Remember Me actually both had embarrassingly bad dialogue with infamous lines! Remember Me's "basket full of kick ass" is Destiny's "Moon Wizard".

If you are on PS4, I will make sure you get through the raid. At some point. Who knows how far down the line, but it'll happen. Because it's mega fun.

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