
I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. (Destiny)

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Monday, September 22, 2014, 01:35 (3759 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Pick a faction you like and wear their item. Do all the bounties you can, both Vanguard and Crucible. That seems to be the fastest way to get points. The armor is available at level 2, so split between your faction choice and the vanguard, since you have the two different currencies and can buy two pieces per week. Strange coins for Xur make 3 per.

Yeah, I know. The reason I'm not juggling things is that I don't have the degree of playtime that makes it matter. You don't need switch out vanguard and crucible and faction points if you're not even making it through the vanguard bounties many days. I don't WANT to power-level; even if I had all day, I wouldn't bother doing all the Crucible bounties because I'm not a huge fan of crucible. Ideally, I just play exactly what I feel like playing, although unfortunately due to my low level the game encourages me to do other things (i.e. complete vanguard bounties). Hopefully at some point that stops being an issue. If it doesn't, I'll probably have to get rid of the game, because that'll be having a detrimental effect on me after a while; unfortunately, Destiny's loot system has a strong enough direct impact on gameplay that I don't think I'll be capable of learning to ignore it if it wants to be heard.

I'll almost certainly hit vanguard Rank 2 tomorrow; I was considering saving marks for a pistol, but armor first might be better, especially in terms of replacing this zero-light chest piece.

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