I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. (Destiny)
That's unfortunate. I'm still coming back nearly daily as time permits me, and when time does permit, I'm on Destiny for a long, long time. I get it, though. This game isn't for everyone, and has oh so much wrong with it (much of which I'm unwilling to forgive). I can be patient, though. Plus I need something to play come December when 343 releases their joke Beta game and everyone else goes to that without me. :P
That when the same 3-4 people here shit-post about Destiny everyday, people call them out on it and ask them to tone it down (and it seems that they do).
Destiny has a soul with many problems that hopefully can and will be fixed. Also apparently the Raid is awesome.
But when the people shit-post about 343 on HBO and *I* call them out on it and ask them to tone it down (and you would be one of those people, Av) no one cares.
I'm sorry that Halo 4 has no soul and lost all its population like Destiny is dangerously close to doing. 343 has acknowledged all of this with H4 and will hopefully be fixing it big time for Halo 5.
This is a rhetorical post that needs no reply (just muse on it to yourself)- it's just something that I see that seems silly to me.
You say that like it means that I shouldn't reply. It totally worked!
DBO version:
"Destiny is a crappy game, way to go Bungie, this game is crap because blah blah blah but I'm gonna keep playing it and posting on these forums because reasons"
No, you're spot on here. The fact is, they are still playing it and posting on the forums, and that's kinda weird. lol
or the HBO version:
"Halo 4-5 is a crappy game, way to go 343, this game is crap because blah blah blah but I'm gonna keep playing it and posting on these forums because reasons"
I stopped playing Halo 4 a long time ago, so if this is directed at me, you're pretty funny. It even got uninstalled from my 360 entirely a while ago. Real talk homie.
As for posting on those forums for reasons, I'm actually looking forward to the Master Chief Collection and very much plan on dropping my money on it! I'm giving 343 my money dude. Just calm yourself down. You should see what GAF looks like. Wasn't HaloGAF turned off because of how horrible it got? Just because their Halo 5 Beta decisions are hilarious and Halo 4 sucks hard doesn't mean anything as far as their next big release. :D
I guess what I'm saying is, for people that aren't happy with game\company 'X' , you don't need to inject that sentiment into 90% of your posts- the regular forum members get it. Stop raining on everyone else's picnic.
Maybe they're hoping that Bungie sees it and gets it and fixes it instead of going 343's route of taking six months to fix it, the population was nearly all gone by that point, and 343 themselves seemed to have mostly moved on to H5 (thus making H4 a generally lost cause)? :P
I'm done now.
Be happy. 343 might get Halo 5 right because of all the backlash, and maybe Bungie will make Destiny something that people will truly stick around for for 10 years because of all of this backlash!
Complete thread:
- Destiny: The Jillybean Verdict -
2014-09-21, 12:37
- Destiny: The Jillybean Verdict - DerekT07, 2014-09-21, 12:55
- Destiny: The Jillybean Verdict - Cody Miller, 2014-09-21, 13:03
- I feel very similarly - Zeouterlimits, 2014-09-21, 15:32
- Destiny: The Jillybean Verdict -
2014-09-21, 18:21
- Destiny: The Jillybean Verdict -
2014-09-21, 18:33
- Destiny: The Jillybean Verdict -
2014-09-21, 18:41
- ;-; - Yapok, 2014-09-21, 18:55
- Destiny: The Jillybean Verdict - car15, 2014-09-21, 19:25
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
2014-09-21, 19:32
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
2014-09-21, 19:35
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. - Revenant1988, 2014-09-21, 19:46
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
2014-09-21, 19:51
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. - Revenant1988, 2014-09-21, 19:56
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
Cody Miller,
2014-09-21, 21:31
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
2014-09-21, 22:11
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
Cody Miller,
2014-09-21, 22:28
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. - Avateur, 2014-09-21, 22:56
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
2014-09-21, 23:31
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
Cody Miller,
2014-09-22, 01:03
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
2014-09-22, 01:35
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. - Cody Miller, 2014-09-22, 07:34
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
2014-09-22, 07:04
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
2014-09-22, 07:19
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
Cody Miller,
2014-09-22, 07:35
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. - bluerunner, 2014-09-22, 08:04
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
Cody Miller,
2014-09-22, 07:35
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
2014-09-22, 07:19
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
2014-09-22, 01:35
- +1 - Monochron, 2014-09-22, 10:31
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
Cody Miller,
2014-09-22, 01:03
- This. A million times this. - rliebherr, 2014-09-22, 18:15
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
Cody Miller,
2014-09-21, 22:28
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
2014-09-21, 22:11
- I'd just like to point out something that strikes me a odd.. -
2014-09-21, 19:35
- Destiny: The Jillybean Verdict -
2014-09-21, 18:41
- Destiny: The Jillybean Verdict -
2014-09-21, 18:33
- Destiny: The Jillybean Verdict - Cody Miller, 2014-09-21, 21:27