
"But you had something they didn't." (Destiny)

by Zeouterlimits, Ireland, Monday, September 22, 2014, 07:36 (3818 days ago) @ yakaman

Do guardians get a random luck score at conception? I mean, forget about Exotics, I can find shit for legendary. It seems most of the players I inspect will have at least 1 exotic, even if they of lower level (i.e. 20).

Ha! That would be wonderfully [awfully] cruel.
No, I'm fairly certain there's no intentional programmatic luck like that.

I've never seen a level 20 with an exotic, congrats to them.

You've just been badly treated by the RNG. I suggest you read guides on how best to get exotics so you can see where to MIN/MAX for them, if you really want them.

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