You're not doing anything wrong (Destiny)
I'm almost level 24 and have yet to stumble on any Legendary gear. In fact, I've only found maybe 5-6 legendary engrams, total. I also seem to get Rares and Uncommons at a relatively low rate.
I base this on my play time with my friends, whose drops (and subsequently gear) seem to be consistently better than mine.
Do guardians get a random luck score at conception? I mean, forget about Exotics, I can find shit for legendary. It seems most of the players I inspect will have at least 1 exotic, even if they of lower level (i.e. 20).
I have not done a ton of bounties or patrol missions, though I am starting to. Quite a bit of play in the Vanguard strikes, quite a bit of patrolling (i.e. random killing), very little Crucible.
Am I doing something wrong?
It is entirely luck based.
All of it.
There might be somethings you can do to "boost" your chances (like having a higher rank with the cryptarc) but it is essentially a lottery.
I'm about the same position as you in terms of rank and what you describe- and I've gotten no legendary items (except for a shader). I got my first exotic bounty yesterday morning, and it's been a pain. It forced me to play games in the crucible, which I was trying to avoid at all costs (I just don't enjoy it). What's funny though is as I was working my way through stage 4 of that bounty, I got ANOTHER exotic weapon bounty. No reason, it literally just happened. So, new rule, Rev only plays crucible if he's working on an exotic.
A couple of my friends, same level or higher have not had any of those yet.
YET, my fiance is playing with us last night- she's not a skilled MP person. She had a .25 k\d and the game gifted her Thunderlord because, screw you guys, reasons :P
It was pretty hilarious. I spent my whole sunday chasing and grinding this bounty, and she got one for existing!
Lottery dude. Lottery.
EDIT: While I have not gotten any legendary guns or armor, I DO seem to get a decent amount of rare materials that everyone else covets like ascendant shards. I'm sitting on a ton of resources like spin metal, plasteel, zero-point energy thingys and ascendant shards.
So....there's that?
Complete thread:
- Is 'luck' a thing in Destiny? -
2014-09-22, 07:21
- "But you had something they didn't." - Zeouterlimits, 2014-09-22, 07:36
- Farm - c0ld vengeance, 2014-09-22, 07:39
- You're not doing anything wrong -
2014-09-22, 07:39
- You're not doing anything wrong -
2014-09-22, 07:46
- I am Frank Grimes, but I need to PLAY Destiny like Homer. - Revenant1988, 2014-09-22, 07:57
- You're not doing anything wrong -
2014-09-22, 12:31
- You're not doing anything wrong - yakaman, 2014-09-22, 13:03
- You're not doing anything wrong -
2014-09-22, 07:46
- Is 'luck' a thing in Destiny? -
2014-09-22, 10:12
- Is 'luck' a thing in Destiny? - yakaman, 2014-09-22, 13:02