
Loot cave (Destiny)

by SonofMacPhisto @, Monday, September 22, 2014, 13:28 (3800 days ago) @ Phoenix_9286

It is essentially an MMO. Everything is instanced, and the story missions are pretty close to what you'd expect from a Halo game (for this genre, at least), but it's essentially an MMO.

Anyway, it just seems strange for someone who tells me that my negativity is spoiling other people's fun to go spoil other people's fun in the actual game.

I sat in a cave once. I'm a terrible person.

How DARE you! And here I thought you were a fine upstanding member of this community. A man of morals and character. And now I discover you are simply another nefarious rascal sitting in a cave! My opinion of you has dropped several points from it's previously elevated state. Several points indeed.

Sitting in a cave... Of all the things... You should be ASHAMED.

I never troll, but I'd totes sit in the cave too. The rage would be too delicious to pass up. <3

Don't forget to wave too. ;)

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