
Loot cave (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 06:02 (3799 days ago) @ Korny
edited by Kermit, Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 06:08

You're projecting. I don't care about being cool. Loot farming diminishes the game for everyone. I don't accept the premise that it's gameplay. It is something else. It depresses me that that's how people spend their time. It depresses me that people can't just have fun without caring that their gear is not the best RIGHT NOW. You might say that I feel pretty strongly about it, but I come to those views honestly. I didn't post them here to get attaboys.

You're still letting the way other people play the game affect you personally, which is bad, and you acted out in such a way to affect their experience negatively, which is totally a douche move.

Point taken. From my perspective, they were already acting in a way that affected their experience negatively without me doing anything.

I know this because I danced in the cave for giggles and made many people angry. But it's funny to me, and I fully acknowledge that it's a douche move. However, I didn't do it for some holier-than-though reason because-Bungie-is-so-awesome-yay, I did it for my own enjoyment.

I don't understand what you're saying my motivations were.

However, I helped two people get there today, explained the whole "etiquette" about how and when to get loot, and then spent an hour helping them get stuff (since my explosive-round regulator clears enemies faster than rifles). One of the two people had two Legendary Engrams in about ten minutes, and he didn't even shoot at the cave.

The Speaker: I could tell you a story, about how Monochron acquired the Cryptic Dragon, but I won't, because it will put you to sleep.

Point is, this place isn't breaking any rules. It's a mistake, but everything is well within the established rule set that Bungie provided. It needs to be removed, yes. But flat-out removing it without addressing the issues that make it extremely appealing to people is going to hurt the game, and that wouldn't make Activision any happier than the reviews have.

It is a mistake, and for one impulsive moment, I fixed it in one instance. I don't take pride in it, but I don't see how people take pride in exploiting the system either.

I got to level 27 the hard way. I struggled through the Weeklies for a handful of coins. I have over 70 strikes under my belt, and have pretty much become numb to all of the bosses, and have found MANY exploits (that I don't loosely share) to kill them out of the sheer number of ways that I have approached battles... And someone who just picked up the game and started farming has far better loot and gear than I do?

... Who. Cares?

I admire your skill and dedication, but if I saw you in the Tower looking resplendent and didn't know you, I might not … because of the stupid loot cave.

I feel good about my stuff because I earned it, and I had a ton of fun getting it. If some Cave farmer gets tons of gear the easy way, that's his deal. Let him get some joy out of the game his own way. I'll still wreck him in PvE, and I won't turn down his help when the going gets tough.

You're a skilled player. You'll always be ahead of me, and that's okay. This thread has moved the needle closer to Cody's position for me. Investment systems screw with people's heads. Loot should not be the purpose for playing the game. I've been able to have fun without worrying about loot, and thinking of loot as a bonus. If other people can't, I think they'd be better off finding other ways to spend their time. Yes, that's a judgment, but I stand by it.

People play the way they want to play, and if that means getting to max level by doing nothing but picking and trading in Spinmetal, or tackling the Raid over and over, then that's OKAY.

Yes, it is. I'm all for different paths to glory. Diminish the value of investment, though, and glory means less to everyone. Not a fan of shortcuts in real life either.

Bungie made a world where most of that is possible, and if they want to change it, they can, but it's not your job to feel indignant for them. You aren't an employee. Don't be a douche, you're better than that.

More projection. All these adjectives attached to me in this thread, yet few of them come from me. Indignant. Bitter. Angry. Proud. Let's imagine Destiny had proximity chat, a feature many think it should have. I would not have impulsively sat in that cave THAT ONE TIME--I could have communicated in a different way. I could have said to the people in my bubble, "You might get a better gun, but you're blowing your chance to become a better player! Let's go to Venus! Let's do something fun! Get off this hamster wheel! You're better than this!"


P.S. Hat's off to Monochron for recognizing when my tongue was in my cheek, and keeping his sense of humor in a thread that got nastier than it needed to.

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