Why have the colors at all? (Destiny)

by Jabberwok, Thursday, September 25, 2014, 12:28 (3723 days ago) @ Revenant1988

Why give false hope that something *might* be better?

Make all the engrams one color.

Red, Orange, Rainbow, whatever.

You don't know if it is good or not until you de-crypt it.

Also, to save space in your inventory, stop putting weapon engrams in with weapon slots- just give engrams their own container in the inventory section to be decoded or exchanged like all the other trinkets you can take to the tower.

Conceptually, I understand what you're saying, but it just seems like it would be more boring if every engram were one color. Since you don't even have to pick them up to get them, I suppose it doesn't matter, but I like seeing the blue ones pop out on occasion.

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