
How decrypting should work (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Thursday, September 25, 2014, 23:37 (3723 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by General Vagueness, Thursday, September 25, 2014, 23:43

[*]Positive changes to Cryptarch

You should still have some randomness in the decryption, but it should only be randomly a HIGHER quality item.

Legendary Engrams should mostly be purple, but sometimes yellow.
Blue engrams mostly blue, but sometimes purple.

Now, instead of hating the randomness, folks will enjoy it and never be frustrated or disappointed.

According to the dev notes, currently it does both. Isn't it odd you only hear about it when it turns out bad? (he said, the sarcasm dripping off and forming small pools) Anyway, I'd prefer one actually descriptive type/class/rank/category/whatever over your idea.

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