My only problem is... (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, October 28, 2014, 11:03 (3490 days ago) @ rliebherr

I have, albeit it a long time ago. However, I fail to see how this changes the validity of my argument. If it takes longer to fix the other items than it does to fix random teleports, I still contend that you priotize gamebreaking bugs over a design decision for the encounter. If it takes longer to fix the game, then it takes longer. You change the teleporting issue after the gamebreaking items are patched.

Make sense?

Nope, not really.

When I'm bugfixing, and something's EASY, that's a no-brainer to do first. Sometimes you have no clue how deep a bug goes; a fix of something tiny might actually affect something you weren't counting on. So if you prioritized all of your efforts on the hard stuff first, and THEN went back and fixed the easy stuff, you might BREAK the hard stuff again (with the easy fix).

Way simpler to get the easy stuff out of the way (I really, really doubt it affected the rate at which the hard stuff is being fixed, anyway).

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