Bungie.next is preparation.

by kapowaz, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 09:23 (4364 days ago) @ Xenos

From what they've said Bungie.next is preparation for an online system to support Destiny. I would imagine since they expect people to be logging in all the time to check stats (or more) that they don't want to make a complicated login system that could cause you to become disconnected from Xbox Live/PSN without being kicked out of Bungie.net, which could cause issues with some of the ideas they may have for integration with Destiny. If Xbox Live supports something like OAuth hopefully when PSN gets upgraded for PS4 it'll support something also.

I'm not 100% sure, but I'd be very surprised if it's even possible for a third-party authentication provider to cause you to be disconnected from XBL/PSN just by logging out of a website. That's not how token-based authentication systems work, at any rate.

Obviously they're doing a lot of work to support Destiny, but I think practicality has to take a front seat here somewhere. Clearly forcing iOS users to login every time the browser is forced to reload the page (which can happen at any point due to how iOS manages memory) is not workable unless you're happy with a user-hostile experience for iOS users. Other sites with a third-party auth system have solved this problem, so I doubt it's impossible to fix.

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