
Dr. Banana’s Guide to Exotic Fusion Rifle Crucible Trolling (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Monday, December 01, 2014, 08:32 (3441 days ago) @ Beorn

Edit: The automatic fire makes Pocket Infinity behave like an automatic rifle. For some reason I assumed that I would just empty rounds until it was empty, but it doesn't (which is waaaaaayyyy better).

For what it's worth, it should be noted that each successive shot in Pocket Infinity's "automatic" mode is progressively weaker. Law of diminishing returns and all that.

I think it goes something like 250-200-130-100-100-etc. It has some uses in PvE (oracles/containment fields in VoG, Wizards) but I mostly find it useful in crucible. Even the weaker bursts are helpful there because you probably damaged your enemy with the first burst or two, and the last will finish them off if the first ones didn't kill them. That damage reduction also resets as soon as you stop holding the trigger, and if the third shot is what killed your target, chances are you probably still have two shots left in your mag, and you won't necessarily need to reload.

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