
I killed Crota and you can too (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 03:39 (3471 days ago)
edited by Cody Miller, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 03:43

The DBO Xbox people beat the PS4 DBO folks to the kill, so congrats. I just took him down, and the fight was actually rather straightforward when you have your plan. Schedules kept me from doing it with DBO folks however. On the bright side, we can get Cruel Legacy through it now.


Holy shit, this fight is so much easier when you communicate. It's a breeze when you know what is where, and when to do stuff. The communication in the run was great, save for one mistake. Things to always call out:

Knight spawns (Tower, middle)
Where the Sword Bearer is
If Crota is moving
Who has / needs the Chalice
When to attack Crota, and when the sword wielder should go.

Here's the video, and the strategy should be straightforward. You will get a rhythm going and be unstoppable. We made the mistake of killing a sword bearer too early before Crota returned to the middle, losing a round of damage.

P.S. That rocket launcher looks boss.

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