Crota's End just as buggy as Vault. (Destiny)

by HavokBlue, California, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 17:40 (3479 days ago) @ Cody Miller

There is a glitch wherein the Sword will arbitrarily despawn as soon as the Swordbearer is killed.

There is a glitch where the Sword will prevent guardians from picking it up.

There is a glitch where Crota will get stuck in a pathing loop between two of his 3 standing points.

There is a glitch where Crota will arbitrarily walk or fall off his platform.

There is a glitch where the aerial down-slash attack of the Sword will not damage Crota.

Thanks to netcode issues, Crota will often instagib your Swordbearer despite the Swordbearer being in the clear.

I'm so done with this. I've thrown myself at this for 10+ hours now and come literally within a single sword swing half a dozen times only for the sword to arbitrarily disappear as we run for it the last time, or Crota to reset to a new location with instantly regenerated shields on a much shorter timer than usual. It was super satisfying to walk in there today, clear everything up to Crota with a group of capable, friendly randoms from the internet. And then to start the Crota fight and get him to something like 10-15% on the first attempt. And the second. And the third. But it's okay, we've got the next one! Just kidding, the sword despawns! And on and on and on.

Besides that... is it really that difficult to not die?... In something like 4 hours of Crota yesterday and 4 hours of Crota today, making an exception for total party kills from oversoul or intentional wipe, I died twice. In the meantime, everyone else is eating Knight blasts or walking into Cursed Thralls at least once or twice.


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