I spent probably 8 hours on this today. (Destiny)

by HavokBlue, California, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 04:55 (3471 days ago) @ Cody Miller

With two different groups. The first group consisted entirely of 30s, except for myself, who seemed to have a lot of trouble with basic things like... not getting hit by knights of the ledges... or communicating.

The second group of randoms had communication down pretty well, and we managed to get Crota within a few sword swings of death, but we were unable to get our timing down perfectly and always ended up missing one or two sword phases and hitting the enrage timer, or doing well only to have our swordbearer get overzealous and stay too close to Crota.

The first group was a blind run with nobody taking charge. The second run was half-blind and I ended up taking charge of group direction and callouts since I was pretty familiar with the fight by this point. It helped, but we couldn't quite get it down.

Hoping to finish him off with another random group at some point tomorrow.

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