

by breitzen @, Kansas, Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 02:57 (3579 days ago)


Better late than never.

I apologize for my delay, real world "things" and an addiction to Destiny has kept me from this write-up for the past three weeks!

What happens in Dallas...

...probably won't stay in Dallas. And that's a good thing! How else are we going to convince more people to come to our meet ups if no one shares their stories!? I'll keep it short and sweet because lets be honest, we all have more Destiny to play!

This was my first Bungie.org LAN/meet up, I had only weeks earlier met my first DBOer out in the wild (Shout out to the amazingly talented Leviathan!). I had, for better or worse agreed to carpool with the one and only Stabbim for six hours... and it was great! Mostly because I didn't have to drive through Dallas rush hour traffic!

We arrived to find our marvelous host Speedracer had begun setting up shop while Kermit was already addicted to the stuffed pretzels. Stabbim and I set up in the front room, allowing those with Playstations to group near each other. The four of us exchanged pleasantries while murdering aliens littered across our solar system. Late that night the party finally started with the arrival of Xenos after a 18+ hour drive. The next morning Ottermack* and Morpheus decided to show up ;) and join us in our quest to have a hell of a good time.

*Ottermack may have shown up Wednesday night as well... but I can't remember!

Thursday was mostly Destiny, and an extra special thanks to the PS crew for letting us XBOX dudes play with your fun exclusives! (I can't wait to get my own Monte Carlo!) We also enjoyed some authentic Cajun food, that I've forgotten the name of, thanks to Ottermack.

Friday we ventured out of our safety box known as the house and into the big city. We caught the best Texas BBQ for lunch then hit up Furious 7 for an afternoon movie. I'm not sure who all will admit it now, but some tears were shed at the end of that movie. (Hint: It wasn't Kermit, I think he napped through most of it!)

Friday night was Halo. Lots of Halo. A ODST Firefight race was held, championed by Morpheus and Stabbim. Sounds of our assault rifles rang out across the frozen tundra of Snowbound. While the beautiful roar of a jetpack told many a Spartan that death was near.** Morpheus may have a montage of that gameplay at some point.

Saturday was bittersweet. Did the day really need to end? We play some more Halo and Destiny. Our gracious host left us with two parting gifts, a game from an airplane hanger full of them, and a frosted Destiny glass, courtesy of Bungie. (Thanks Deej and Urk!) We began to part ways and I couldn't help but feel I had made the right choice in coming. I met six amazing guys and had the time of my life. We are, each of us on this forum, people with our own joys and pains; and sometimes I think we can lose sight of that here when we get passionate. Let's always remember to be respectful and kind to one another because this place is special. I can't wait to meet more of you in the future, but until then, see you star side!

**If you want to beat Xenos in Halo Reach, just use a Jetpack.

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