
Thought Of A Funny Story... (DBO)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, April 24, 2015, 00:44 (3520 days ago) @ breitzen

I'll post this, then I'll come back with my assessment of the trip.

The day before I had left, Speedracer sent me an e-mail asking if I needed him to buy anything for the meals. I had just come home, ironically arms full of groceries, and my iPhone in hand. I had decided to use Siri's dictation feature to type the response to him. I said to the phone, "I'll be bringing them with me."

That loading circle appeared for a good 10 seconds, then didn't put the words down. I said it again, just as clearly. Yes, I'm aware that at this point, I could've just put the groceries down and typed it out by now, but the principle!

Anyway, the same thing. So I said it one more time, and the exact same circle, the same lack of results. Getting a little annoyed, I decided to pull an audible from an old playbook. So I put the groceries down, turned the dictating feature on and yelled right into the mouthpiece:

"I will fucking stab you, computer phone lady!!"

And swear to god, the whole thing typed right into Speed's e-mail. No errors, no loading--it even literally said 'fucking'.

I couldn't stop laughing for at least 10 minutes, and it still makes me laugh whenever I think about it.

So yeah, that happened, and it was fun.

I'll be coming back tomorrow to post my thoughts about this awesome experience.

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