
I'm excited (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 22:36 (3447 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I'm actually excited for the information rollouts and the subsequent release of HoW. I'm trying to temper my expectations, but I can't see it not being better than Dark Below.

What I'm not super thrilled about is the idea of the weapon upgrading. Great in theory, but that also probably means more grind to upgrade… by tomorrow we'll know if they get it right.

In the teaser, you can see a brief glimpse of what appears to be a fully upgraded 331 weapon with a new upgrade node on the left side of the screen. My guess is that node is the key to upgrading weapons. What I'm curious about is what will be needed to purchase the upgrade: glimmer and materials? Maybe a new ultra-rare, tough to obtain item (similar to how the Crux is used to upgrade Eidolon Ally)?

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