
I'm excited (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 23:18 (3447 days ago) @ stabbim

What I'm not super thrilled about is the idea of the weapon upgrading. Great in theory, but that also probably means more grind to upgrade… by tomorrow we'll know if they get it right.

There will always be some kind of grind. If I didn't have anything to grind on, my enjoyment would certainly be lessened. And that constant "need" to grind forces me to play with loadouts that I might not normally play with, rounding out my skills and playstyle. I welcome the grind.

I know what you mean. Having those upgraded items = definitely good. Having to do more stuff to get there = maybe not as great. Still, it's not like I wasn't going to be playing anyway I guess.

I wonder if it's telling that all the items shown in the recent teaser were raid items. Does that mean only raid items can upgrade? Or maybe they're just messing with us?

That would be interesting. I can see value there. Then again, I have a slew of exotics but enjoy the personality of the new blues that drop. There's a lot of fun stuff out there.

Personally, the opportunity to earn new gear via Osiris, or the PoE, I'm pretty excited about. But don't get me wrong. I still very much look forward to a Fallen Raid, and eventually a Cabal one somewhere down the line. It's good times, the world will stretch out a bit, hopefully equally so in the plot and universe-building departments.


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