
Interesing (Destiny)

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Friday, April 24, 2015, 16:55 (3341 days ago) @ Up North 65

12 for a loss and 31 for a win with nightfall. Some nights I try and really watch the way I play but it seems lately I'll run my shoulder charge build with dual shottys and flip the bird at my kd. Makes it fun, lightens the mood, and really blow off some steam. Playing with a few others who share your idea of a good time as well make it easier. Another way to get crucible commendations is level up factions.

Hadn't thought about it but by turning in these crucible commendations, it should in theory rank up only crucible not the faction that rewarded it. And to me, crucible has the primo weapons and armor. Gonna have to start wearing that faction mark while I play PvE stuff now.

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