
Crucible Overhaul (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Saturday, April 25, 2015, 13:12 (3340 days ago) @ iconicbanana


10:1 the overhaul is them adding new game modes.
5:1 Felwinter's Lie is getting nerfed.
2:1 it's them messing up the crucible with more shitty changes to ammo and stuff.

Place your bets!

Never, ever expect a developer to understand the balance of their own mutliplayer. Looking at you, Valve.

I love how pessimistic Cody is no. matter. what.

However, I will drop in my 2 cents and say that Crucible is being ruined by timers. I had enough of an issue getting used to the Heavy timer, and I appreciate the added visibility the recent changes have brought, but this business about starving for green ammo and having players divert from the action to go wait around a crate that drops in 12 seconds, only to be picked off...well.

Crucible is just an entirely different game when the focus is placed on ammo drops.


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