
I disagree. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, April 25, 2015, 18:29 (3349 days ago) @ Xenos
edited by Cody Miller, Saturday, April 25, 2015, 18:34

You must not play crucible very much if you ever expect not to get shotgunned around a corner of close up. The changes did nothing to address what you just said, and to think that will happen is pure fantasy in my opinion.

I play several times a week, have a K/D of 1.4 and a win % over 50%. The comment about shotguns was to explain my point about diversity, but I appreciate the attempt to discredit my argument by suggesting I am inexperienced at Crucible instead of addressing any ACTUAL point made.

Your point was that somehow reducing special ammo would lead to more diversity. It doesn't. Shotguns are as prevalent as they have always been. Why would having less ammo suddenly make you pick a fusion rifle over a shotgun if you love shotguns? If you want diversity, the correct thing to do is to NERF SHOTGUNS so they don't completely dominate the special metagame. They have too much range. Get rid of shot package, and adjust range values per gun in PvP only.

Limiting ammo: does nothing to affect balance.
Nerfing shotguns: does tons

If you care about balance is weapon usage, you should be supportive of my fixes, not Bungie's.

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