+9000 (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Saturday, May 16, 2015, 15:13 (3318 days ago) @ someotherguy

Just the exiting and coming back usually takes me at least 30-45 seconds. Madness.

Heh - same here. I did 12 runs yesterday (each bounty on two characters, plus one more run with a friend), and I NEVER got more than 2 shots at a chest (and usually not even that).

I read pete's post yesterday and thought 'wow, that's overblowing the situation'... but left it alone because I thought maybe I was doing it wrong, and it WAS working out to 4 revisits per person per chest.

I was glad to see others found it a little out of the ordinary, too. :)

(For what it's worth: with 12 shots at ether keys, I opened 13 chests, total, including the three doubles I managed. The VAST majority of non-mats I got were blue engrams - maybe a dozen of them. I got 2 purple engrams, which is pretty nice. No treasure keys, no passage coins. So if we discount the farmers, of which there'll be a few, of course, the overwhelming majority of folks who actually take part in the Queen's Wrath leading up to Tuesday will earn a few dozen weapon/armor materials, and maybe a handful of actual items they want to keep. This doesn't seem like a bad thing to me.)

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